(713) 840-8484

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With powerful on-demand legal services that go where you need them, Hanna & Hanna is your secret weapon and is proud to be Houston’s Premier Court Reporters and Litigation Support Providers.

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Hanna & Hanna Reporting is a full-service court reporting firm offering complete legal support services, videoconferencing and deposition suites. We provide a wide variety of services related to the court reporter profession, including realtime, transcription service, closed captioning, litigation support and legal video services.


We offer the professional technical support and legal support that makes your job that much easier.  We are a member of NCRA, STAR, NNRC, TCRA, TEXDRA and HCRA. Hanna & Hanna Reporting is privileged to have an exceptionally dedicated and committed staff of professionals for all your court reporting needs.


Hanna & Hanna Reporting  is headquartered in Houston, Texas and offers worldwide scheduling of depositions, court reporters and videoconferencing. Our Texas locations can provide local services across the region.

We are Covid-19 Proof!


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We provide 24/7 Mobile Booking


Visit our offices or give us a call!

8582 Katy Freeway,  Suite 105
Houston, TX 77024

(713) 840-8484


10 + 3 =

The Court Reporting Firm of Choice for Texas!

Hanna & Hanna is proud of its record of excellence!

  • Court Reporting
  • Transcript Production
  • Videoconferencing
  • Interpreting
  • Trial Support
  • Mediation

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Houston, Texas Legal and Court Reporting News

Court Reporting in Houston, Dallas and Across Texas

Court Reporting in Houston, Dallas and Across Texas

In a state as widespread and populous as Texas, top court reporters need to offer the latest technology to stay ahead of the competition and serve the state’s far-flung and growing population.  Leading court reporters in Texas work with lawyers and attorneys on...

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